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Robot de ingenieria

Sistema THEAD is a non-profit educational cooperative based in Barcelona, Spain, with a unique purpose...


The mission of the THEAD System is to contribute to a Quality Education for all children in Spain and Latin America and beyond, and fight to inspire a change of consciousness about the planet, reduce the digital divide, and promote equality of 'opportunities in society.


We believe in education as the main engine to fulfill many of the goals we have as humanity, which is why we dream of a world in which it is possible to create solutions that reduce the digital divide, promote inclusion, and in which children and girls have access to an education that promotes the development of skills and competences that increase their opportunities to improve life.




We promote projects that promote solidarity between students, teachers, educational centers and communities.

The inclusive approach applies to everything we do: both with examples in our educational materials, in the accessible tools themselves and in the inclusive discourse and approach we use, such as generating empathy for the most disadvantaged and encouraging solidarity projects and mutual cooperation.



We don't want anyone to be left behind, which is why we defend equal opportunities and quality education for all.

We fight to reduce inequalities in education by giving scholarships in all our training courses to teachers from highly complex schools, teachers from countries with economic difficulties and educational centers with few resources to provide them with the necessary tools to incorporate the ICT, creative technology and sustainable development in the classroom.

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We are responsible not only for ourselves, but also for other people and the planet, which is why we encourage the incorporation of sustainable development goals in classrooms, to help develop future generations committed to peace, justice, the environment and with the well-being of people around the world.

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Our team is made up of a diverse group of people who are passionate and committed to our mission of contributing to reducing the digital divide in vulnerable groups. Each member brings their unique experience and creativity to ensure the success of the projects.

Maria Seoane


Restless by nature and always eager to learn. His curiosity has led him to delve into fields as varied as social entrepreneurship, education, design and photography.

Roger Olivella


Passionate about education and strongly committed to contributing to a better world, he is an educator and designer of learning experiences. Teacher of the Master's in Secondary Education Teacher Training at La Salle (Ramon Llull University) and researcher in innovation and education.

Isabel Belmonte

Social Integrator

Motivated and motivating, in love with challenges. Creative and entrepreneurial by birth, if it doesn't exist I make it happen. Avant-garde with social trends, activist, feminist, social integrator committed to real changes and from education.

Luke Pardo

Development of learning experiences, engineer and programmer
He brings a creative mind in constant search for innovation, which he combines with freshness and energy to drive the continuous evolution of our projects.

Marc Carpena

EdTech Project Manager

A restless person, eager to learn and contribute his vision of the education system, he has created an electronic board with a STEAM vision (with A from "Arts"). Currently, he collaborates with Sistema THEAD to bring the magic of creative technology to classrooms and build an inclusive educational future.

Gabriel Seoane

Comunicació i disseny

Amb una gran creativitat i enfocament estratègic, es dedica a gestionar la comunicació visual i digital de l'empresa. Desenvolupa dissenys innovadors i clars, creant contingut que transmet el missatge de manera efectiva i atractiva.

Irene Mateo

Administració i gestió

Amb una visió estratègica i orientada a resultats, s’enfoca en l’optimització dels processos interns per millorar l’eficiència operativa, gestionant recursos, equips i operacions per garantir l'acompliment dels objectius, assegurant un ambient de treball productiu i sostenible.

Aina Orozco

Desenvolupadora web en pràctiques

Amb una gran motivació per l'àmbit digital, col·labora en el desenvolupament i actualització de llocs web, treballa per crear interfícies atractives i funcionals, aportant idees noves i contribuint al disseny i implementació de solucions que millorin l'experiència d'usuari.

Carlos Barreto

Desenvolupador web en pràctiques

Apassionat per la programació i el disseny web, s’enfronta a nous reptes amb ganes d'aprendre i millorar, aportant en el desenvolupament i manteniment de les pàgines web. Col·labora en la implementació de funcionalitats i optimització de l'experiència d'usuari.


Ana Reguant

Nina von Homeyer

Renato Dominguez

Marta Esplugues

Administration and Finance

Meticulous and with an undeniable passion for organization and attention to detail, she is a fundamental pillar that supports the daily operations of each project.

Marketing student in practice

Ambitious and initiative student studying for a degree in Business Administration at the School of Economics and Law in Berlin. He is currently doing an internship at Sistema THEAD to support event management and marketing.

Developer in practice

Cross-platform Application Development student, my calm and organized approach is combined with a constant desire to learn and improve, I'm always looking for new ways to innovate and face technological challenges with enthusiasm and determination.

Computer Engineer and Digital Fabrication Expert

Computer engineer expert in digital manufacturing and passionate about the world of leisure. I'm looking for a way to leave a mark on this world and I believe in education as an engine of social transformation.

Sistema THEAD we are a non-profit educational cooperative.

About us


We are a team that designs educational materials, innovative and inclusive of technology, STEAM and robotics, entrepreneurship and 21st century skills. We organize conferences, train trainers, carry out research and innovation and seek social impact with an approach linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and with a view of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).



THEAD - Transform your Teaching-Learning Skills to make a Difference

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© 2024 THEAD System, SCCL - Digital literacy to change the world


We work with ❤ from Barcelona, Spain

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